Getting Started
- First steps
- Managing your offices
- Travel guidelines
- Role of an MLA
- House schedule
- Routine business
Assembly Services
- Services for Members
- 老王v最新版
- Assembly departments
MLA Remuneration and Transition
- 老王v2.2.6
- Transition
- Public disclosure
This website was created as a guide for Members of the Legislative Assembly, and contains information pertaining to the role of a Member, the services available, and information on Members’ travel guidelines, compensation, administration and financial policies. The website is publicly accessible and updated on a regular basis. A detailed Transition Guide for Members of the Legislative Assembly: 2017 prepared prior to the 2017 general election to assist Members with the election transition period continues to be available on this website.
In addition, the Constituency Office Portal, accessible via the Assembly’s Intranet, serves as a centralized location to find additional administrative guides, forms, announcements and resources related to constituency office operations. Please note that the Portal is intranet-based, and is only accessible from the Legislative Assembly network.
Assembly staff are available to assist Members in their parliamentary roles. To that end, key contact information has been included on this website.
For more information, please email 老王v最新版. You may also contact Kate Ryan-Lloyd, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, at 老王v2.2.8 or at 250-387-3785.
On December 19, 2018 the Legislative Assembly Management Committee approved changes to the Capital City Living Allowance and Members’ Travel allowances. These changes have been incorporated into the Salaries and Allowances, Travel, and Managing Your Constituency Office sections of the Members’ Guide.
Posted: January 31, 2024
Today we launched the Constituency Office Portal, an Intranet site on which you will find key administrative resources such as guides, forms, and announcements related to constituency office operations.
Posted: May 19, 2017
A Statutory Offices Open House featuring British Columbia’s eight statutory offices will take place in the Legislative Library Rotunda of the Parliament Buildings from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Wednesday, September 20. All Members of the Legislative Assembly and their staff are invited to drop by to learn more about the important work and responsibilities of these offices.
A second Administrative Orientation Open House featuring all Assembly Branches will take place in the Library Rotunda, Parliament Buildings from 11:00 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Wednesday, June 21. New and returning Members of the Legislative Assembly are invited to attend to learn about the many services and supports provided by Assembly staff and Branches.
Posted: June 9, 2017
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Glossary of Parliamentary Terms
Government of British Columbia
Transition Guide For Members of the Legislative Assembly:2017
Have Questions?
Please contact orientation@leg.bc.ca or 250-387-3785 for assistance.